

(proof of holding)





RNS release

20 May 2024

24 May 2024

Audley Funding Plc

£50,000,000 Pembridge Capital ETFLN Due 23 June 2037


29 Apr 2024

05 May 2024

13 May 2024

Escher Marwick Plc

Series 2017-F1 EUR Notes


20 Feb 2024

05 May 2024

11 May 2024

Balise Springs Plc

Series 2018-F3 Notes


20 Feb 2024

05 May 2024

12 May 2024

Escher Marwick Plc

Series 2016-6 GBP Notes


20 Feb 2024

05 May 2024

12 May 2024

Dover Harcourt Ltd

Series 2017-CI1 Notes


20 Feb 2024

08 May 2024

14 May 2024

Kaeva Ltd

Series 2019-F1 USD Notes


05 Feb 2024

08 May 2024

14 May 2024

Kaeva Ltd

Series 2019-F1 GBP Notes


05 Feb 2024





RNS release

Escher Marwick Plc

£10,000,000 5% Fixed Rate Secured Notes Due 2023


9 October 2024

Odysseus MTN PLC

GBP 200,000,000 OMP-2023-F1-GBP Notes due 2029


30 September 2024

Solid Rock Multi-Strategy Plc

ILS 250,000,000 Medium Term Notes due 2028


27 September 2024

Escher Marwick Plc

Series 2016-CI8 Notes


24 September 2024

Sustainable Capital Plc

Series 2021-F4 USD Notes


11 September 2024

Sustainable Capital Plc

Series 2021-F4 GBP Notes


11 September 2024

Sustainable Capital Plc

Series 2021-F4 EUR Notes


11 September 2024

MTN Funding Plc

2021-F3 USD Secured 6.25% NTS due 2024


11 September 2024

Sustainable Capital Plc

NIS 50,000,000 XTCC Solar 12% Green Bonds due 2028


6 September 2024

Sustainable Capital Plc

GBP 2,000,000,000 Secured Medium Term Note Programme

XTCC series

28 August 2024

Sustainable Capital Plc

USD 50,000,000 XTCC Solar 12% Green Bonds due 2028


24 July 2024

Sustainable Capital Plc

Series 2020-F1 USD Notes


17 July 2024

Sustainable Capital Plc

Series 2020-F1 GBP Notes


17 July 2024

Sustainable Capital Plc

GBP 2,000,000,000 Secured Medium Term Note Programme

XTCC series

02 July 2024

CP Funding 1 Plc

Series IMMC-29 Notes


19 June 2024

Sustainable Capital Plc

GDP 50,000,000 XTCC Solar
Open-Ended Investment


13 June 2024

Sustainable Capital Plc

USD 50,000,000 XTCC Solar
Open-Ended Investment


13 June 2024

Sustainable Capital Plc

GBP 50,000,000 XTCC Solar 12%
Green Bonds due 2028 


13 June 2024

Escher Marwick Plc



28 May 2024

Sustainable Capital Plc

Series 2021-F1 EUR Notes


24 Apr 2024

Kaeva Ltd

Series 2019-F1 USD Notes


22 Apr 2024

Kaeva Ltd

Series 2019-F1 GDP Notes


22 Apr 2024

Kaeva Ltd

Series 2019-F1 EUR Notes


22 Apr 2024

Sustainable Capital Plc

USD 50,000,000 XTCC Solar Profit Participation Green Bonds due 2027


22 Apr 2024

Redhat Capital Plc

Series 1 GBP Bonds 12% 2024


22 Apr 2024

Redhat Capital Plc

Series 1 USD Bonds 12% 2024


22 Apr 2024

Redhat Capital Plc

Series 1 EUR Bonds 12% 2024


22 Apr 2024

Propifi Bonds Plc

2020-F1 GBP secured 8.1% notes due 2025


09 Apr 2024

Propifi Bonds Plc

2020-F1 USD secured 8.1% notes due 2025


09 Apr 2024

Propifi Bonds Plc

2020-F1 EUR secured 8.1% notes due 2025


09 Apr 2024

Propifi Bonds Plc

2022-F1 GBP secured fixed-rate notes due 2028


09 Apr 2024

Propifi Bonds Plc

2022-F1 USD secured fixed-rate notes due 2028


09 Apr 2024

Propifi Bonds Plc

2022-F1 EUR secured fixed-rate notes due 2028


09 Apr 2024

Sustainable Capital Plc

USD 50,000,000 XTCC Solar Open-Ended Investment


05 Apr 2024

Sustainable Capital Plc

NIS 50,000,000 XTCC Solar 12% Green Bonds due 2028


05 Apr 2024

Sustainable Capital Plc

GBP 50,000,000 XTCC Solar 12% Green Bonds due 2028


05 Apr 2024

Escher Marwick Plc

Series 2016-6 GBP Notes


05 Apr 2024

Escher Marwick Plc

Series 2017-F1 EUR Notes


05 Apr 2024

Dover Harcourt Ltd

Series 2017-CI1 Notes


05 Apr 2024

Balise Springs Ltd

Series 2018-F3 Notes


05 Apr 2024

Listing Particulars

Documents are provided for information only.


Disclaimer: listing particulars are for information only, we do not give investment advice.


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